The Hidden Dangers of Processed Food

Jul 26, 2023

Processed foods possess undeniable appeal—they satisfy our taste buds, offer convenience, and seem affordable. However, recent research has revealed a disturbing reality: processed foods have a detrimental impact on our health, and the consequences are more severe than we might have imagined.

Did you know that an astounding 71 percent of packaged foods sold in the United States are classified as ultra-processed? This classification applies regardless of socioeconomic status, affecting both the wealthy and the poor, the educated and the uneducated.

A study published in the British Medical Journal in May 2019 brought forth alarming findings. Consuming large quantities of ultra-processed foods, exceeding four servings per day, increases overall mortality rates by a staggering 62 percent. Furthermore, each additional serving consumed raises the risk by 18 percent. This study, conducted over a decade with nearly 20,000 participants, illustrates the lingering threat posed by these foods.

The eClinicalMedicine journal published a study that established a direct link between consuming excessive amounts of ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of cancer. This nefarious influence manifests particularly in ovarian and brain cancer. For every 10 percent increase in consumption, the incidence of overall cancer rises by 2 percent, the rate of ovarian cancer increases by 19 percent, and the mortality rates climb by 6 percent for all cancers, 16 percent for breast cancer, and a startling 30 percent for ovarian cancer.

Researchers from the University of Sao Paulo’s School of Medicine tracked over 10,000 participants, documenting the steady decline of their mental faculties over a median period of eight years. The study found that individuals who consumed three-quarters of their diet as ultra-processed foods experienced a 28 percent faster decline in cognitive ability. Specifically, their executive function, encompassing learning, working, and daily life, deteriorated at an alarming 25 percent accelerated pace. Our once-sharp and vibrant minds now deteriorate before our eyes, succumbing to the insidious forces of processed foods.

Even the younger generation is not spared from this dietary predicament. Recent evidence presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension Scientific Sessions paints a grim picture of our teenagers. A study led by Maria Balhara, a researcher from the David Brautman College, exposed the troubling dietary habits of these young individuals. Frozen desserts, pastries, and candy entice their innocent and impressionable palates, ensnaring them in a dangerous lifestyle.

The infiltration of processed foods in our lives has brought unsettling consequences for our health and well-being. The evidence is clear: these foods are not just tasty and convenient, but they pose a significant threat to our bodies.

When you choose to eat at Aubergine Kitchen, you can trust that we prioritize real, wholesome ingredients that nourish your body and support your well-being. We believe in providing delicious and nutritious alternatives that make it easy to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Your health matters to us, and we are committed to helping you break free from the cycle of processed foods and their detrimental effects.

Together, let’s embark on a journey of embracing real food, making conscious choices, and reclaiming our health.